Welcome to Cloudlandia

Episode Archive

Episode Archive

123 episodes of Welcome to Cloudlandia since the first episode, which aired on October 14th, 2020.

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    Ep110: Discovering True Value in an Age of Convenience

    November 16th, 2023  |  55 mins 49 secs

    In today's episode of Welcome To Cloudlandia, Dan and I explore Ontario, Canada, alongside a discussion of groundbreaking research on an immortality gene. A doctor shares insights into pinpointing this gene's phenomenal potential for humanity. Lightheartedly, we touch on frequent flyer miles and a Buenos Aires stem cell treatment trip.

    Shifting to business, we analyse the impactful Working Genius model's six elements -
    Enablement and

    There are a lot of nuggets in this episode that prompt us to reevaluate what truly enriches our world.

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    Ep109: The Digital Revolution

    September 26th, 2023  |  50 mins 54 secs

    In today's episode of Welcome to Cloudlandia, we unpack the fascinating story of how Toronto transformed over the decades thanks to the pivotal work of urban theorist Jane Jacobs.

    As we debate whether our growing dependency on virtual spaces like "Cloudlandia" is weakening local connections, we ponder journalism's evolution from its regional roots. We reminisce about bygone media eras over a nostalgic lunch at Table 10 and trace how universities and ideological factions shaped radio's founding.

    As always, we aim to provide a balanced look at technology's ability to bring people together globally while potentially distancing them locally.

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    Ep107: Navigating the Labyrinth of Information: Past, Present, and Future

    August 16th, 2023  |  53 mins 15 secs

    In this episode of Cloudlandia, I accompany you on a captivating time-travel adventure to the 1930s era. We explore the nascent media landscape and how the rise of radio and television began to connect the world.

    We predict how elements like technology, energy, money and labor may redefine our world. We also shed light on 1950s industries like television advertising and iconic artists that profoundly shaped society. Join Dan and me for this enlightening discussion into the past, present, and what may lie ahead.

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    Ep104:The Impact of Urbanization: Toronto's Tale and Personal Growth

    July 27th, 2023  |  53 mins 41 secs

    In this episode of Cloudlandia, Prepare to embark on an enlightening journey as we traverse the diverse landscapes of Toronto, compare it to America's NFL cities, and reflect on how major 20th-century developments in the U.S., from the GI Bill to national television, continue to shape its geography and economy.

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    Ep103: Discovering the Power of Imagination in Shaping Our Reality

    July 20th, 2023  |  46 mins 40 secs

    In this episode of Cloudlandia, we navigate the intriguing notion that our world as we know it is entirely constructed by individuals just like us. From the mundane aspects of traffic rules to the profound sacred texts influencing civilizations, it's all the product of the human mind.

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    Ep102_Unlocking the Secrets of Success, from Cottages to Cloudlandia

    July 19th, 2023  |  57 mins 16 secs

    In this episode of Cloudlandia, we journey through cottage renovations, explore the landscapes of North America, and decode the power of vision and reach in building successful ventures.

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    Ep101: From Enhancing Productivity to Breaking Dependencies

    June 30th, 2023  |  51 mins 50 secs

    In today’s episode of Welcome to Cloundlandia, Dan and I dive into the power of mental images and harnessing our imagination to overcome trauma and achieve our objectives

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    Ep099: Unlocking Profit Activators for Business Success

    June 23rd, 2023  |  54 mins 2 secs

    In today’s episode of Welcome to Cloundlandia, we speak about the importance of making bets and guesses in today's shifting environment and how the eight profit activators form the foundation of any successful business.

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    Ep100:Exploring the Power of Internal Realms and Perfection

    June 19th, 2023  |  52 mins 53 secs

    In today’s episode of Welcome to Cloundlandia, we explore the concept of existing in multiple zones simultaneously, moving beyond the binary and discovering a third space - the Free Zone.

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    Ep098:The Intersection of Da Vinci's Genius and the Digital Age

    June 16th, 2023  |  55 mins 48 secs

    In today’s episode of Welcome to Cloundlandia, We discuss the intersection points of Da Vinci's genius and the current digital age as we explore the origins of technology and its impact on society.

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    Ep097: Your Future is Guessing and Betting

    May 3rd, 2023  |  55 mins 40 secs

    In today’s episode of Welcome to Cloundlandia, we are talking about how interesting the downward transformation is to people who thought this was in the bag. Everybody talks about the future being predictable through artificial intelligence and big data but the predictions of the last four years could never predict Trump being president, BREXIT, or COVID.

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    Ep096: A General Intelligence Smarter Than All Humans

    April 26th, 2023  |  56 mins 9 secs

    In today’s episode of Welcome to Cloundlandia, we are talking about how global intelligence is smarter than all humans that exist and how the idea of generic intelligence is untrue.

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    Ep095: The wealthiest generation in the world

    April 3rd, 2023  |  48 mins 9 secs

    In today’s episode of Welcome to Cloundlandia, we are talking about building a knowledge base in Chat GPT for a network of people that can reutilize it for the predictable future.

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    Ep094: Thinking About Your Thinking

    March 14th, 2023  |  43 mins 16 secs

    In today’s episode of Welcome to Cloundlandia, we are talking about how durable the concept of thinking about your thinking is, - why that is your best thinking, and the quality of the decisions and actions that come from it.

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    Ep093: The Digital Age vs Mainland Age

    February 20th, 2023  |  57 mins 23 secs

    In this episode of Welcome to Cloundlandia, Dean, and Dan talk about the intersection and the collision of all the Cloudlandia capabilities multiplying exponentially and the mainland being largely unchanged in reality.

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    Ep092: Designing for Industry Transformation

    February 15th, 2023  |  58 mins 52 secs

    In this episode of Welcome to Cloundlandia, Dean, and Dan talk about the story of four industry transformers who are big on customer-centeredness and the intersection of it all being the design part of everything.