Welcome to Cloudlandia

About the show

Join Dean Jackson and Dan Sullivan as they talk about growing your business and living you best life in Cloudlandia.


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    Ep129: CoachCon and the Art of Growing Older

    May 23rd, 2024  |  54 mins 42 secs

    In this episode of Welcome to Cloudlandia, I reflect on the successful launch of our inaugural CoachCon conference, which brought together 350 members of the Strategic Coach community in Nashville.

    The vibrant energy of Music City and the exceptional facilities of the Music City Center made for an experience surpassing expectations.

    Our discussion centers on cultivating the mental fortitude needed to remain anchored amid future-focused hustle. We connect this to aspects like political endurance while acknowledging the enrichment that unfolding daily actions alone confer on tomorrow's potential.

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    Ep128: Balancing Health and Habit

    May 15th, 2024  |  54 mins 55 secs

    In this episode of Welcome to Cloudlandia, I reminisce about our wonderful experience at the recent Cloudlandia conference at Canyon Ranch in Tucson facilitated by the legendary Joe Polish.

    We discuss the importance of maintaining an active lifestyle through routines like DEXA scans. Our conversation explores cultivating daily habits that balance productivity and creativity without overcommitting.

    Wrapping up, we tackle the nuances of time management as entrepreneurs and commitment levels' impact on execution. Discover how dependability and prudent social media actions shape future opportunities, drawing from Kevin O'Leary's wisdom.

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    Ep120: Strategies for Enhanced Productivity

    April 16th, 2024  |  56 mins 26 secs

    In today's episode of Welcome to Cloudlandia, Dan and I discuss the paradox of achieving more through minimal effort. Exploring concepts like the 'Crucial ABC Questions' and the 80/20 rule, we uncover how sometimes the best approach is to simply stand still—how inaction itself can be a powerful strategy.

    We share insights into the transformative nature of strategic scheduling and how it can liberate our lives from daily logistical burdens. By entrusting details to others and focusing only on meaningful tasks, forward-thinking time management elevates our experience and enables richer collaborations.

    Touching on varied successes, we reflect on the diverse challenges public figures face and the support networks shaping their approaches.

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    Ep124: Dissecting the Fabric of Time, Commerce, and Personal Growth

    March 27th, 2024  |  49 mins 49 secs

    In today's episode of Welcome to Cloudlandia, we explore an array of interesting topics tied together by their connection to our daily lives. We have a lighthearted discussion about daylight saving time, examining its peculiar origins in agriculture and ongoing debate over its usefulness today.

    Our conversation then shifts to commerce, as we investigate the rise of giants like Amazon amid discussions around intellectual property infringement. Having faced knockoffs ourselves, we relate battle stories and consider how trademarks can defend creators in the capitalist arena.

    Finally, we delve into personal growth fueled by transformative daily habits. I detail my health journey underscored by mentorship, diet changes, and movement.

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    Ep123: Innovative Habits for Personal Achievement

    March 20th, 2024  |  51 mins 55 secs

    In today's episode of Welcome to Cloudlandia, I share insights from my experience at the Cloudland Summit. We discuss the carefully constructed approach to selecting impactful speakers and crafting their messages.

    Dan and I explore deeper implications of habits. From influencing personal growth to organizational culture and nations. Recent tech and political events show how biases stem from ingrained habits.

    We cover self-tracking progress through a daily habit-scoring system and cooking's role in health, wealth, and innovation. Overall, it's a thought-provoking look at intentional living and leveraging the mundane for extraordinary results.

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    Ep122: The Fusion of Innovation and the Natural World

    March 13th, 2024  |  56 mins 39 secs

    In today's episode of Welcome to Cloudlandia, we reflect on serenity in nature and technology, drawing parallels between Cloudlandia and meticulously raked sand.

    Woven into our talk is AI and how it's changing everything, from Evan's course helping us out at work to all the crazy experiments shaking things up. We get into how innovation unexpectedly boosted my creativity, which we're calling "exponential tinkering".

    As our annual event nears, lessons in "exponential thinking" add to the anticipation of a reunited community and potential for growth.

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    Ep121: Intellectual Property in the Era of Innovation and Adaptation

    March 6th, 2024  |  52 mins

    In today’s episode of Welcome to Cloudlandia, we embark on a reflective journey through the lens of history. We examine the perceived hardships of modern life compared to past decades like the 1950s and 1960s.

    Drawing on personal experiences, I note how some aspects of the human condition remain unchanged despite technological and social evolution.

    Shifting to practical topics, we discuss strategies for leveraging intellectual property, especially during economic downturns. Adapting to changes and maintaining resilience emerge as significant when transforming ideas into tangible assets.

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    Ep119: Mastering Time Management

    February 7th, 2024  |  55 mins 48 secs

    In today’s episode of Welcome To Cloudlandia, Dan and I reflect on the lost art of letter writing and how corresponding through history has helped shape our podcasting discussions across time.

    We speak about the meaningful routines that have guided creative minds, from the structured elegance of Victorian letters to our own cherished Sunday rituals.

    We also explore memory-boosting techniques like visualization and repetition, applying them to maximizing focus and managing time efficiently through life’s challenges. The discussion spotlights approaches for evaluating routines that enhance well-being as work dynamics evolve, touching on parallels with societal shifts like the Great Depression.

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    Ep118: Weathering Politics and the Evolution of American Homes

    January 31st, 2024  |  52 mins 52 secs

    In today's episode of "Welcome to Cloudlandia", Dan and I discuss the unexpected cold weather that recently swept through Florida and Ontario. We talk about how the weather can affect our moods and the emotional connection between climate and architecture. We share personal stories about winters and pay tribute to oak trees that stand steadfast throughout the seasons.

    We also consider community planning and how neighborhoods can either embrace nature or ignore natural elements. Additionally, we explore innovative housing, such as modular and 3D-printed designs, while considering ideas on population growth. The future of shelter looks promising.

    Finally, we wrap up by examining the impact of advertising on media polarization and the changing news landscape.

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    Ep117:Observations on Perception

    January 24th, 2024  |  53 mins 4 secs

    In today's episode of Welcome to Cloudlandia, we take you on a journey through history and our complex relationship with time and its perception.

    We discuss hidden economic forces that shaped pivotal history and debate if we live in the "best or worst of times." I share my experience with breaking free from television, only to be pulled back by sporting thrills and gripping shows, a reminder of how addictive media can be.

    As we wrap up our discussion, we reflect on exciting developments on the horizon. We celebrate entrepreneurs who have adapted their businesses to thrive online.

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    Ep116: Creating Conversations That Drive Business Forward

    January 17th, 2024  |  56 mins 39 secs

    Today on Welcome to Cloudlandia, we explore the effectiveness of small gatherings and the meaningful conversations that can be had through them. We talk about how small workshops help establish a richer exchange where each voice can fully engage.

    We examine the nuanced difference between self-promotion and truly understanding clients, inspired by Walter Payton's philosophy of emphasizing outcomes over features. Entrepreneurs rethink their approach after test-driving innovative thinking tools highlighting benefits.

    Later, we unpack exercises that optimize communication and outcomes. The 'who, not how' focus and 'self-milking cow' concept streamline processes.

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    Ep115: Creative Investing and the Search for Wellness

    January 17th, 2024  |  1 hr 1 min

    In today's episode of Cloudlandia we weave through various topics. Dan shares his journey with stem cell treatments, from the miraculous changes in his mobility and pain to the improvements in Babs' condition post-injections.

    As we delve into regenerative therapies, discover the future of diagnostics where AI and DNA merge to transform healthcare. I also recount surprising neurofeedback session benefits and reflections on technology's paradigm shifts over time.

    Our discussion explores Indify's pioneering artist venture capital model and investing in human potential, drawing inspiration from visionaries like Musk and Jobs.

    Lastly we examine managing our digital lives, I offer tech fasting insights and preview Toronto's upcoming free zone community event with excitement.

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    Ep114: The Art of Self-Management

    January 7th, 2024  |  51 mins 20 secs

    In today's episode of Welcome To Cloudlandia, I share the story of my unexpected adventure travelling to Buenos Aires for a pioneering knee stem cell treatment.

    I describe how my blood and fat cells were transformed into new cartilage and transported across continents for the procedure. I also recount my partner Babs' experience treating an inflamed toe and the vitality we've regained.

    Our discussion explores the pursuit of longevity and regenerative medicine's potential to make 156-year lifespans attainable through the normalization of audacious goals.

    We delve into hopes for abundant years energized by purpose and new ventures. Additionally, I discuss the art of self-talk and strategies like daily focus tasks negotiated through self-management.

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    Ep113: Revolutionizing Health, Wealth, and Tech

    January 5th, 2024  |  1 hr 1 min

    In today's Welcome to Cloudlandia episode, Dan shares his experience with stem cell treatments, from his different injections to increased energy and improved brain function.

    Next, we explore the fascinating realm of intelligent money exemplified by Indify and how it empowers creators by potentially disrupting the music industry through musicians' futures.

    Lastly, we make a special announcement about our first Free Zone event in Toronto this June. Join us for insights on innovative concepts that can upgrade our lives.

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    Ep112: The Hidden Links Between AI and Media Evolution

    December 27th, 2023  |  54 mins

    In today's Welcome to Cloudlandia episode, we embark on an intriguing exploration of the realm of AI and technology.

    We examine fascinating experiments involving text conversion to a unique speech structure that aligns with your heartbeat.

    Lastly, we delve into discussions around marketing education and share snippets from our upcoming trip.

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    Ep111: The Black Plague, Roman Empire, and COVID-19

    December 21st, 2023  |  57 mins 19 secs

    In today's episode of Welcome to Cloudlandia, we discuss some intriguing impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on our lives and businesses.

    We explore the shift to virtual platforms like Zoom and the concept of "Cloudlandia," drawing comparisons to changes brought about by historical pandemics. Dan and I consider opportunities that can emerge from unexpected times.
    Our discussion ranges from societal shifts driven by technologies in the past to possibilities of the future.